Sunday, January 09, 2005

Which WBI components fit which customer requirements?

I'm in San Francisco this weekend - having been on a workshop at our lab in Burlingame.

I fly out to Las Vegas tomorrow for IBM's massive Software Group University. This is where we get pretty much every customer-facing IBMer in the software business in one place - all at the same time - for a whole week. It's astonishingly hectic - and I must admit that it's not my favourite event (hence the reason I'm still in San Francisco.... I don't want to arrive in Vegas a second before I have to....) - but I can't deny it's a fantastic opportunity for networking, learning, celebrating, preparing (and drinking)

I'm hoping to learn far more about WebSphere Business Integration Server Foundation, meet up again with colleagues I've worked with over the year from around the world and get ideas for the future direction of my career.

On Tuesday, I'm presenting on how to map customer requirements onto runtime decisions - and I'm hoping to spark an interesting discussion.

I always find it interesting speaking to people who are deep experts in one area - they (we?!) have a tendency to see all problems through this prism. (This is a general observation - not one specific to my company or organisations, I should add :-) ) I've been fortunate to have had deep exposure to pretty much all of the WBI suite over the last few years and I hope the slides I present will upset one or two people... if everybody leaves happy, I'll consider it a failure ;-)

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