Monday, March 27, 2006

Can I afford to move to WordPress?

IBM's enterprising broker-brainiac has moved from Blogger to WordPress.

I looked into this last weekend - and have even gone as far as opening an account. However, I haven't had time to perform the migration.... Andy makes it sounds relatively straightforward.

However, his "pros and cons" scorecard suggests that I can't add Google AdSense to the blog. My earnings from AdSense are currently somewhat low (zero cents, to be precise) but I harbour the hope that, one day, an exponential (indeed, infinite) increase in my AdSense-related earnings will materialise. It looks like I'm going to have to make a difficult trade-off.


Andy Piper said...

You... you... CAPITALIST! :-)

Like you, I'd earned nothing (and nothing from Amazon Associates, either). The other alternative is to do what jfa suggests, and buy some hosting and run your own WordPress.

Richard Brown said...

You... you... CAPITALIST! :-)

Well..... the name of my third, as-yet-unlaunched, blog is "gendalnomics".... I do have one or two thoughts about capitalism :-)

Andy Piper said...

I'm not sure I want more blogs. I guess my postings fall into two or three general categories (technology, life, photography), but I reckon splitting them up would make my blog(s) even less popular. Your Design Patterns does seem to be going OK though.

The biggest problem, as I've now discovered, is that Google and Yahoo take ages to update their indexes. As a result, my new blog is totally off the radar for all but MSN search. The cynic in me says that this is because Google owns Blogger, but surely that's unreasonable.

Richard Brown said...

"but I reckon splitting them up would make my blog(s) even less popular. Your Design Patterns does seem to be going OK though."

Yeah.... my experience with Design Patterns is putting me off starting the third one. Like you say, it's a whole new audience you have to build.

My problem is how to incorporate my interests in politics and economics into a blog that's quite heavily associated with my employer (even though they, of course, have no connection to it and the views in it are mine alone, etc, etc, etc).

As for your experiences, I'm afraid you're not doing a good job of selling the whole "Move to wordpress" thing to me!

Andy Piper said...

I've (mostly) avoided politics in my blog so far. It's weird trying work out how to mix the types of posts I do make. On the other hand, with WordPress categories/tags, if people are only interested in my IBM-related posts, they can subscribe just to those, which is cool.

It really is up to you whether you want to move - only a few weeks ago I said you should stick to Blogger, so you probably shouldn't be taking my advice anyway! :-) To be honest the only problem I've had is search engines, and that issue is just making more dislike Google all the more. It's notable that if I look at the traffic to my blogspot blog, there are an awful lot of Google referrals, which my new blog is totally missing out on. Also, Technorati acknowledge (in their FAQ) that they have an issue where links to a blog may not be recorded up to a week after they are created ... so at the moment my new blog shows as bottom popularity with 0 links from 0 blogs, but if you click on the detail there are at least 7 links to it already. So I'm not going to worry too much just yet - if things don't pick up within a week, Google will really earn my ire.

Richard Brown said...

Any more success with the search rankings, Andy?