Wednesday, March 29, 2006


In his trailer for my economics postings, Andy Piper points me at this post on "widgets".

I believe it is a thinly-veiled attack on the concept of voluntary exchange, demonstrates a lack of understanding of the principle of comparative advantage and contains a bizarre implication that economics is a zero sum game.

However, it is my responsibility to prove those accusations. It would be deeply dishonourable of me to attack somebody I don't know and give no reason.

Sadly, I am not yet as eloquent as I would like to be on matters economic. I intend to correct that deficiency over the coming months by posting on simpler matters. If I can work up to delivering a devastating critiqe of the widget posting within three months, I'll consider this experiment to have been a success...


Anonymous said...

please enlighten me to the errors of my ways.....


Richard Brown said...

Hi Tim,

My posting was a bit of a low shot... apologies. I *will* justify it when I figure out how to articulate my thoughts a little better :-)


Anonymous said...

Had time to think yet?